The last couple of days I have been organizing the project in Logic. I have all of the recorded files from the Alesis ADAT on my Macbook Pro, and I already had all of the main tracks and some of the lead guitar tracks in and rough mixed, but I also added the new tracks from all the vocal sessions. Man,we sure have a lot of tracks, and the way the Alesis names tracks is generic – Track_1, Track_2…etc. So I took the better part of a day and renamed all of the tracks exactly what they were, for example Lead Guitar_Take1_SM57… Then when I brought them into Logic, I knew exactly what they were. This made it a lot easier to bring in and set up the tracks in Logic, not to mention when we did multiple takes on the Alesis on the same track but say a later session, I would have more than one Track_17 or Track_21 so to speak, and if I were to put them all in the same folder, the ones with the same generic track names would overwrite the other. Not good! Some I can’t stress enough the importance of giving the tracks a unique name and it sure helps to name them what they are.